Thursday, August 30, 2012

Climb Like Chris Sharma....Let Go!!

The video below is the second in a series produced by Rock and Ice in collaboration with Chris Sharma. Chris is known for pushing the limits of sport climbing to grades previously thought impossible, and I might add, from a very young age.

He is also famously known for saying "climbing is all mental". Whilst there might be some jest in there, for the most part, it really does ring true. Imagine if you could climb entirely without fear? Or perhaps irrational fear? How far could you push your limit??

A common approach to climbing is that to pull each move one requires a certain degree of strength. That strength gives confirmation of our ability to do the move. We are looking for security... However, climbing at your ABSOLUTE limit requires much more than that. It is not secure, it is not definite, you are completely in the dark as to whether or not you will pull the move.

Letting go of our fears and apprehensions is the ONLY way to get the most out of your current physical state. Do you want to get stronger or do you want to get better?

Enjoy and happy climbing :-)

Climb Like Chris Sharma: Limits and Fears from Rock & Ice on Vimeo.

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